BO08S02KNX Switching module 8x/20A
Type: eelectron BO08S02KNX Switching module 8x/20A - 20 A per channel and max. peak current 500 A/2 ms
Bus System: KNX
Degree of protection: IP20
Mounting: DIN rail
The device does not require an additional power supply and is immediately ready for use after applying the bus voltage. 20A relay for each of the 8 channels. The front panel is removable, which allows the operator to manually operate the switch even when the knx is disconnected (only after disconnecting the power supply to the load and disconnecting the mains voltage).
Logical properties:
8 logical blocks: simple expressions with logical or threshold operators or complex expressions with algebraic and conditional operators. Relay groups (up to 8) can be combined with blocking logic for special functions.
(picture is for illustration only)
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Estimated delivery time: 2-4 weeks (depends on quantity, please contact us for more details)